Hey folks,
this weekend the autumn foliage was just insane! I did a little walking tour with my mum to learn more about herbs (she is a good witch you have to know ;-)). She makes incredible teas and other goodies with wild herbs or herbs out of her garden. Check out her newest blog-entry about a selfmade herbs-oil (in German) -> http://nancy7sieben.blogspot.co.at/
I'm about to dry the herbs we found now and soon you'll find here a post about herbal goodnesses ;)
On our tour we found a man-made shelter that (probably kids?) must have built in summer. And i picked some crazy dried thistle-flowers that will make an awesome halloween decoration.

Höchst erfreut über diesen Eintrag winkt die Kräuterhexe vom Berg
AntwortenLöschen*winkewinke* zurück :)